Grant Writing
Over $468 Million in Grant Awards for our Clients
At the Federal, State, and Local Levels
As of the end of 2023, SAE BHC is proud to have assisted agencies in being awarded a combined total of $468,775,000 million dollars in federal funding to advance behavioral health services across the country. We are still pending the total outcome of our state applications.
We credit the expertise and teams-led approach of our grant writing staff, cross-supported by excellent reviewers and content expertise, with each client agency and grant application team closely supported by our internal QA protocols, with these successes.
SAE has a well-honed, unique teams-led approach to ensure quality assurance and quality improvement processes. We develop highly competitive grant proposals by:
- Identifying appropriate funding opportunities;
- Matching content-expert writers to specific funding opportunities;
- Aligning & vetting proposed goals with each agency’s capacity;
- Designing innovative and evidence-based programs that match agencies to current funding priorities;
- Recommending strategic partners to strengthen proposals’ competitiveness;
- Promoting, with fidelity, each organization’s unique strengths and capabilities;
- Supporting clients with personalized timelines and checklists to measure and drive efficient progress;
- Ensuring full compliance with funders’ evaluation criteria and timelines.
- In addition, we structure our review as blind-reviewers to duplicate the high-stakes review process each application must surpass to gain funding, strengthening our writers and supporting our client agencies to their fullest expressed potential.
Our Approach
Every situation is unique, as is every provider or agency. Our teams of successful grant writing experts are vetted and selected based on your agency-identified needs and personalized strategies for implementation.
We provide:
- Supporting documents;
- Related resources & research;
- Readiness assessment and training;
- Content expertise to match the application requirements;
- A series of calendared checklists designed to provide you up to date progress reports that highlight each next critical step in your application process while making the most efficient use of your most valuable resource – your time; and
- Two narrative reviews of the grant application, prioritizing a single, coherent voice and point of view that consistently funnels back to the application’s original statement of need.
Recent Federal Grant Writing Achievements
Successful SAMHSA Applications Include:
- CCBHC Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (IA and PDI)
- CSAT’s Pregnant/Post-Partum Women’s Program (PPW)
- CSAT’s Substance Abuse and HIV Prevention Navigator Program for Racial/Ethnic Minorities
- CSAT’s Targeted Capacity Expansion HIV – (TCE-HIV)
- CSAP’s Project AWARE
- CMHS’s Promoting Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care (PIPBHC)
- CSAT’s Adult Treatment Drug Court Program
- CSAT’s Adult Criminal Justice
- CSAT’s Peer To Peer
- CMHS’s Children’s System of Care (SOC)
- CMHS’s Community Mental Health Center (CMHC)
- CSAT’s Youth and Family TREE
- CSAT’s Grant for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals (GBHI)
- NCTSI National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative, Category III
- MAT-PDOA Medication Assisted Treatment
- GLS Campus Suicide Prevention Grant Program
- ORP Offender Reentry Program
- TIEH Treatment for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
- Minority Aids Initiative – High Risk Populations
- NITT-HT “Now Is The Time” Healthy Transitions
- TCE-TAC Targeted Capacity Expansion – Technology Assisted Care
- SAMHSA/BJA Joint Adult Drug Court Solicitation
- CMS Navigator Support
Other successful Federal applications include:
- FCC’s COVID-19 Telehealth Initiative
- CDC’s HIV Grant
- HRSA’s Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Implementation
- HRSA’s Opioid Workforce Expansion Program (OWEP) Paraprofessional
- HRSA’s Infrastucture Grant
- DOJ’s Second Chance Act – Adult Substance Abuse and Mental Health
- HUD Transitional Housing
- HUD Permanent Housing
We offer a no-cost informational consultation to support your interest and determine best fit, whether for an individual funding opportunity or in strategic readiness for a series of opportunities ahead, and highly recommend grant readiness assessments. Once we confirm stated goals against each provider’s strategic plan, first time clients will receive an a la carte proposal that allows for a personalized fit to your agency’s needs.
Once we’ve had a chance to get to know you well (and vice versa) through 2-3 grant applications, please ask us about our grant writing retainer opportunities.
Click For Current Funding Opportunities On Our Radar

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SAE Behavioral Health Consulting enhances provider service provision that is integrated, accessible, data-driven, and person-centered.